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The door to the house and the relationship with love

19/04/2014 2403 lượt xem
Based on the direction of the door in the house, one knows the fortunes of the host family. The position of the door also suggests the love of the owner.
The direction of the door will determine the part of the owner's luck in love.
South door
The owner is romantic, sometimes quite aggressive, to move quickly to marriage. These people are holding good fortunes but need to be calm and careful in case of external troubles.
The door in the north
Those who live in the North Gate are very sensitive to love. Sometimes, because of arrogance, they choose to lose love.
East door
The owners of the East Gate house often shy away, shy and timid in expressing their affection. They often wait for the "other half" to speak first. So that some people do not keep their love.
The door to the west
The love of homeowners with western doors is easy to oscillate. In order for their love to reach the destination, the baby image will be a good catalyst, to awaken the desire for a warm family in them.
Door in the southeast
These are very passionate people in love. Sometimes, wanting to change the atmosphere, they continue to seek new love. In order to have a true marriage, these people should make a clear choice.
The door is in the northeast
The owners of this house are those who live harmoniously and friendly. They are often loved by their colleagues and their love can arise from these relationships.
The door to the southwest
People who live in a southwestern home are usually very willing. They always identify and strive for the goal set. So, in this type of person, reason often makes sense. However, they are the lucky ones about marriage.
The door in the northwest
These are the lucky ones about love and marriage. They can marry people with high social status.
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